Friday, January 5, 2018


Elmet by Fiona Mozley

John Smythe is a big, burly, hulk of a man who lives contentedly off  the land and nature in a corner of Yorkshire, England, once known as Elmet. Lovingly, he protects his two children, the beautiful, brave Cathy and tenderhearted Daniel. Secret missions often take "Daddy" away from home where his dark side erupts, exposing the power of his fists and the fury of his temper.

At one time, John was employed as a debt collector for the landowner Mr. Price, who allows them to live on the idyllic property once owned by the children's mother. Now Price confronts John about possibly forfeiting these living arrangements. John is the voice of a group of dissenting laborers demanding more pay from the farmers, who are led by the landowner himself. Price decides John must fight in order to settle the dispute. But there is far more violence that follows when Price loses a prized possession. A brutal, bloody encounter finds a family under attack, piercing the tranquility they cherish. Fearless Cathy, along with the unwavering support of her brother, sacrifice all in the name of family loyalty.

If you are a reader who wants to start the New Year with a change of pace, I encourage you to check out this selection that has already earned accolades and awards. Mozley's melodic writing, with a whisper of medieval fantasy, is a soulful, emotional debut steeped in legend about a brother and sister's love.

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