Monday, February 6, 2017


Idaho by Emily Ruskovich

Wade's mind is slowly slipping away. The onset of early dementia is robbing him of memories, some joyful, others excruciatingly sad.

Despite Wade's violent episodes, Ann loves her husband unconditionally, unabashedly, with a pureness that only she understands. It's this devotion that inspires her to envision the story behind tragic events that tore Wade's first family apart so many years ago on a hot, dusty, Idaho day.

Wade's ex-wife, Jenny, rots in a prison cell, convicted of murdering their six-year old daughter, May. Older sister, June, vanished after witnessing the horrific deed, her whereabouts still a mystery.  What could prompt a loving mother to commit such a hideous crime? Wade is adrift in his own world, retreating deeper each day into a place Ann cannot enter. So she must begin her lonely quest for answers. In her darkest days, Ann reminds herself, " he has lost his daughters, but he has also lost the memory of losing them".

With her beautiful, melodic prose, Ruskovich's flowing passages are a marvel to read. The clues to this mystery are intricately woven in the author's poetic words. Forgiveness is power, redemption is within our reach. Sorrow is losing the memory of ever having loved at all.

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