Friday, August 9, 2013

Always Watching

Always Watching by Chevy Stevens

Someone is watching you.....

Dr. Nadine Lavoie is a psychiatrist in a mental hospital.  She encounters severely disturbed patients, those unable to cope  with everyday life.  One such patient is Heather Simeon.  After her attempted suicide, Heather is now under Nadine's professional care.  Little by little, bit by bit, Nadine uncovers Heather and her husband  Daniel's connection to  a commune on remote Vancouver Island led by cult leader Aaron Quinn.  The very mention of his name sends shivers down Nadine's spine, and she is forced to confront troubling memories bubbling to the surface of her mind.  Years ago, she, too, along with her mother and  brother, Robbie, were members of this same commune.  What horrors, evil, and mysteries lie beneath the tranquility and beauty of this retreat?

Nadine now realizes that danger lurks everywhere-her repressed memories scare her.  Why is she so fearful?  Her estranged daughter, Lisa, living on the streets, holds secrets too horrible to imagine.  Realizing that revealing the past is necessary, yet painful, Nadine begins a journey that takes her to drug-infested neighborhoods, confrontations with faces from the past, and  a venture into the walls of her former home.  She begins to unlock traumatic memories that will alter her life forever.

If you are in the mood for a mystery thriller, put this one on your list.  As in her previous novels, Stevens writes a chilling, eerie, unsettling story full of plot twists and interesting characters.  She examines the unbreakable bond between mother and daughter, and the undeniable fact that your past will always follow you.  Unlocking hidden secrets and facing her own inadequacies may allow Nadine to live again.

"Just because you can't see something, doesn't mean it's not there."

Someone is watching you....


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